Belief, Being, & BEYOND!
What you Believe constitutes how you Behave in the world. But there is always something more - The BEYOND! Let's talk to people with a variety spiritual belief systems, perspectives, approaches, and backgrounds in order to sate our curious minds - "What else is out there?"
Belief, Being, & BEYOND!
The Birth of a Podcast: Where it all Began!
A year ago today, what began as a casual Zoom call to promote a book transformed into something magical when intuitive author Melanie Barnum uttered these simple words: "That was a podcast." Today, we celebrate the first anniversary of Belief, Being and Beyond by bringing the conversation full circle with the very person who sparked it all.
The synchronicity feels electric as Melanie and I reflect on how divine timing works through intuitive nudges. Melanie shares her own remarkable journey from corporate controller to internationally acclaimed intuitive, describing the moment she heard the unmistakable directive: "You need to do this work now" while holding her newborn child. Despite initial resistance, she followed that spiritual calling, eventually authoring nine books and developing a thriving intuitive practice spanning nearly three decades.
We explore the concept of intuitive "flare-ups" – those goosebump moments when your psychic abilities heighten and undeniable validation arrives. Both of us emphasize the importance of journaling these experiences to create what I call a "personal psychic dictionary" – your unique symbolic language with spirit. Melanie explains how something as ordinary as a baseball diamond becomes a profound message from her mother, demonstrating how deeply personal our intuitive language can be.
For those beginning their intuitive journey or feeling stuck by self-doubt (which I describe as "the arch nemesis of the magician"), we offer practical starting points: light a candle, sit in silence, journal your experiences, and most importantly, take action on the guidance you receive. As Melanie wisely notes, "If it resonates with you, then it's good for you." Not everyone is meant to become a professional psychic, but we all have intuitive gifts waiting to be recognized and honored.
As we launch into our second year, I invite you to text the show with topics you'd like explored, questions you're curious about, or feedback on what resonates most deeply. Join us as we continue bringing great people to great people, exploring belief systems, and remembering there's always something more beyond.
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Welcome to Belief being and Beyond with your host, granddaughter Crow. Hi everyone, granddaughter Crow here for yet another episode of Belief being and Beyond when it All Began. So, in this special episode, where did the Belief being and Beyond podcast begin? I have Melanie Barnum here where it all began, and then we're going to talk to Melanie about where she all began. Anyway, listeners, I want to give Melanie she's been on my show before, but I need to give her a proper introduction because she is amazing. So Melanie Barnum is a personal healer, a teacher and an author. She's written nine books, still plugging away working on another one. Melanie's sole intention is to joyfully help others to connect to their gifts, understand who they are, discover their greatness and heal themselves through clarity and wisdom. Wwwmelaniebarnumcom. That's wwwmelaniebarnumcom. Melanie. Welcome back to the show for our one-year anniversary show for our one year anniversary.
Melanie B. :That's crazy to think about that One year. This started for you like one year ago, and I was so blessed to be here for the beginning. I love this.
Granddaughter Crow:In truth, I didn't know. It was the beginning when we were here exactly one year ago, same date we recorded. I didn't know, I just remember being. This is the inception story of Belief, being and Beyond. Of course, I have the book Belief, being and Beyond by Granddaughter Crow healing from harmful belief systems, deconstructing ideas and becoming your authenticity, which is what I am all about. And so then I was like hey, melanie, can you hop on zoom and we can record so I can get some like social media content. And I said you got a new book coming out, you know. And it was like oh, you know. Well, yeah, what is it? Real life? Intuition is what it was.
Melanie B. :Yeah, yeah, that was my latest.
Granddaughter Crow:Yeah, yeah that was released one year ago this month, and um, so we hop on zoom, I start talking about melanie, her book, asking author questions in the middle, and you guys have to go back and check out the initial conversation, because at that point I didn't know it was a podcast, right? So Melanie's like oh, and you're my fourth podcast. Oh, I've been on four podcasts, you know, today or yesterday, today or whatever, and you're my fourth. And of course I am an improvisational speaker. I go with the flow. I'm like yay, I'm her fourth podcast. But in the back of my mind I'm like what do you mean Podcast? We're just recording. And so I just went through the rest of the show and after I turned it off, melanie looked at me and was like that my dear was a podcast, put it on YouTube, call it belief being and beyond. And I did. And here we are a year later, melanie, what do you think about that? I mean, did you even know? Like, was that just your intuition? Like what?
Melanie B. :Well, I mean, I'm getting tingly. Those of you that know anything about me know that you know when my intuition is being validated or when there's something happening that needs validation or there's visitors from the other side that are coming through to let us know that what we're talking about is either true and accurate or that spirit is present or both. And I'm getting itchy on my head I don't have any bugs and I'm getting so tingly everywhere on my arms I have goosebumps everywhere. So to me, immediately, you asking me that that's total validation. And, yes, I knew this was going to happen for you and I remember the conversation and I remember you saying, no, I'm not doing a podcast. And I said, yeah, I really, I really think you're good at this and you really should do this and have other authors and other people on your podcast.
Melanie B. :And you did just that and you made such a difference in so many people's lives already and you've just begun. I mean, you've been doing this for one year and you've just a difference in so many people's lives already and you've just begun. I mean you've been doing this for one year and you've just begun. That's it. And it's amazing the people that you're reaching already and the people that you're helping with this podcast. It's fantastic and I am so pleased and so blessed that I am here for your one year anniversary Now, I know it's going to take a little while, so it's probably not going to be posted yet on your actual or on our actual one year anniversary, but this is amazing.
Melanie B. :It's amazing and it's, yes, very intuitive and you knew also, it clicked with you Also, it resonated with you also, because you're also very intuitive. So, yeah, it makes total sense.
Granddaughter Crow:It was crazy for me because, in a very strange way, although this is your second appearance on Belief, being and Beyond podcast, for me it's officially your first, because the last time I didn't even know that's what we were doing and I absolutely Cheers to that.
Granddaughter Crow:Cheers to that. Yeah, I got my little water bottle. I reused my Gatorade bottle and just put water in it perfect. So what's really interesting is that from there, people you know, you hear the intro welcome to believe, being and beyond, with your host, granddaughter crow. Yeah, that's my voice. It is A lot of people are like who did you hire to do that? But it was just snuggling up to the little microphone and going welcome to another episode, and the rest has just been so playful. Like you said, I've had amazing authors about voodoo, about hoodoo, about, you know, opening your mind, about healing the ancestors, about crystals, about angelums, about manifestation, about angels, akashic Records I mean Divine Dirt. There's so many. I did take a little bit of time off at the end of last year, in 2024. However, I still managed to get almost 50 podcasts out.
Granddaughter Crow:That's crazy and have had. So it's on YouTube like subscribe and share, but also I have it anywhere. That's crazy Asia, we're looking at Russia, we're looking at Africa. I mean all around the world, and I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, listeners. I hope that you enjoy.
Granddaughter Crow:I want to know what you guys do in year two, like what do you want me to bring on? I have so many fun things. We talk about the shadow, we talk about all these things, but I really want to hear from you listeners. That would be the best gift ever. Put a comment in, send me an email. Connect with me on Messenger. Text the show. Yeah, if you are listening to this on a podcast, scroll down, text the show. I will see your text. I won't know who you are. I'll know the general vicinity that your area code comes from, but otherwise you can stay anonymous. Or let me know who you are. Text the show. I'd love some feedback. So, melanie, thank you so much for like literally going well, that was a podcast. Well, you can do it. And I was like wow, going well, that was a podcast, well, you can do it. And I was like wow, and shortly after that, within 10 days I had it up on the air and now it's on wherever you get podcasts. So that's like where it all began and now we're a year from that.
Granddaughter Crow:In the spirit of where it all began, it all began in your intro. I said that you were like a business accountant. Now, to me, business and accounting is everything adds up. One plus one equals two. I've got business degrees, I get it. And then, all of a sudden, intuitive author of almost 10 books now just give it a minute. Author of almost 10 books, now just give it a minute. Like Reiki practitioner, certified in hypnosis. Certified in blah blah, whatever you could be certified in spiritually, melanie is certified in. Check out our website, wwwmelaniebarnhamcom. So anyway, where did it all begin for you? With jumping from business and accounting to being an international award winning author sitting on the Believe being and Beyond show with your host, granddaughter Crowe.
Melanie B. :Who's also an international award winning author, by the way.
Granddaughter Crow:I am. That wasn't a prediction.
Melanie B. :That actually happened, yeah. So it's interesting because I've always been intuitive, I've always been able to read people, but I didn't know that everybody didn't do that. I thought that that was just a normal thing. As I got older, I was as you said, I was in business, I was the controller of a company and I left there to open a children's store and my intuition essentially just told me this is what you need to do now. And it's so funny because I remember thinking back and it's just about a year into having my children's consignment store and I remember thinking back that Years and years ago I must have been a teenager.
Melanie B. :I had seen myself like owning a children's or owning a clothing store, like a boutique, and I was kind of like, why would I do that? You know I love clothes, I love kids, but that's not. You know, I don't ever want to travel to like New York to be a buyer. I don't want. That's not who I am. But I saw myself owning a children's store and I saw a lot of colors. Or I saw myself owning a boutique I'm sorry and I saw a lot of colors in it. And it didn't click until I was about a year into owning my children's store that this is exactly what I had seen, and so my intuition was kind of playing out a little bit more. It was kind of flaring up a little bit more. Didn't really think twice about it, I was still kind of like, okay, whatever.
Melanie B. :And then one day I was at home and I was holding my newborn baby in my arms and I felt like somebody hit me over the head and I heard the words you need to do this work now. And you know, I just got goosebumps again, validation that that was correct. Um, and so I kind of, you know, looked around and was like no, uh-uh, like what are you talking about? And no, I'm not doing this work now.
Melanie B. :And, by the way, this work now meant nothing to me because I wasn't doing any intuitive work, I wasn't doing any of this stuff. So the fact that they said they being my guides on the other side said you need to do this work now, and I knew instantly what they were talking about. I knew that I needed to start doing professional psychic work and I kind of laughed and said no, you know, no, that's not going to happen, I'm not doing that. You know totally the other side of the brain at work here Like, nope, not going to do it, and I always screw that up the left and right brain. Which side is the creative, intuitive side versus which side is the business, analytical side?
Granddaughter Crow:I'll give you how I see it Left logic, ok, right, creative yeah. And then the right hemisphere takes over the left side of the body and the left side does, but left logic is how I remember because I refer to that Perfect.
Melanie B. :Yeah, I always forget, I have to look it up all the time. But yeah, so I was very left brained, you know. Very logical, I was the controller of a company, actually not just a business person. I was the controller of a company and I left there to open my own children's boutique, my own children's boutique, and I was literally standing in my dining room holding my baby and I was like this can't be real, this can't be happening. Why would they tell me I have to do this work now? But at the same time, I instantly knew, and I knew with every fiber of my being, that they were right and this is, this was my path and it totally changed our lives. My husband's, my baby, my soon to be baby after that totally changed our lives, totally changed everything about me and who I was, so that I needed to kind of set out to learn everything I could about intuition and how it worked, because I was very right and left brained at the same time. So I knew that I had to have some kind of a background. So I started taking classes in intuitive development. I took everything you could possibly imagine from people that taught at continuing ed classes at high schools, and you know people that taught at continuing ed classes at high schools and you know people that you've never heard of. I went to their classes and I also took classes from pretty famous people authors and you know people that have been on TV, and I realized right away that this made sense. So you know, almost three decades later, here I am and it took me a while to say, okay, I can hang a shingle and say I am a psychic.
Melanie B. :In the beginning, when I was studying and when I was learning and I was doing this for, like, I said probably a year, a year and a half before, I really thought that this was real and that I needed to do this, and I said, okay, hon, like we need to change my career here, like it has to actually happen. I was offering free readings. Now we're going way back to like dial up AOL on the computer and everything was a lot slower. And you had the green letters and I started doing. I offered free readings back then and I just remember thinking that, wow, this is kind of crazy that the readings I'm giving these people are coming true and you know what I'm seeing and what I'm feeling and what the symbolic information I'm receiving was real for them and it was real for me. And I was able to validate and validate the information I was getting, but also get validation that what I was doing was where I was supposed to be. And, you know, fast forward a little bit. Like I said, I have a private practice now. I've been practicing for almost three decades and I also before my mom passed way. I also before my mom passed way, way back in 2007, who, I think, helps me, by the way. Yeah, so before my mom passed, she always used to say because we're, our whole family, are avid readers, and she always used to say you know, we all have at least one good book in us. And I said, ok, and all of a sudden it just hit me like I need to write a book. And so that's what started that.
Melanie B. :So, 2012, my first book, the Book of Psychic Symbols, came out. And what was interesting about that as well is that, you know, generally People submit their books to multiple places and multiple people. Whether they're agents, whether they're publishing firms, whatever it may be, people submit to so many places and they get rejection letters. You know, it's reality, it happens. But when I decided to write a book and I tuned in.
Melanie B. :I tuned into the spine on the book because I wanted to see whether there was a logo there. And I tuned in and I saw the logo of the moon, which was Llewellyn. I had to look it up. I had to go to the library or go to the bookstore, I think, and look and see what logo that was. And it was Llewellyn. And I said there's no way Llewellyn is going to A publish me but B publish my first ever book. But I knew it and I told my husband I need to just send it to them and nobody else. And that's exactly what I did and they picked up my first book and I've been with them ever since.
Granddaughter Crow:Yeah, so amazing. I mean, there's so many wonderful things that you said in there. One I do want to talk about something that you said that I thought was so poignant and I want to like talk about it. You said that your psychic intuition flared up. I really enjoy that there's so many morsels. But I kind of want to go back to that because we have a lot of listeners who are getting the flare-ups. Like what does that look like? I mean, it's like some of us get hit over the head. It flares up. Some of us are like we can't get away from it. Talk to us a little bit about what is the flare-up, or what have you experienced around the flare-up? Because it's so cute, it's not like, oh, and then a little special genie came to me and tapped me on the forehead, my eye opened and I started my business. Sometimes it's a little bit more like a flare up.
Melanie B. :Mm, hmm. So, like I said, I mean, the real first thing that made me believe that I needed to do this was I felt like I was hit over the head. But then, along the way, as I was learning about intuition and I was, you know, doing all these exercises and trying all these different things and going to all these workshops, and every time I felt like, you know, that was a flare up for me. Like every time I took a workshop, I felt like the energy of all the people that were doing this would bring up the energy in me and around me. And I'm getting goosebumps again. Validation, and it was allowing my intuition to build and to grow.
Melanie B. :And those aha moments. That's like the flare-ups. It's those aha moments where you say, excuse my language, but you say, holy shit, like did that really just happen? Did I really just do that? Did that really just did I tune in? And how did I get that? It's those kinds of moments that we all are intuitive. We're all, you know, by our birthright. We're all intuitive, naturally. But when we get those aha moments, we are like wow. And you know, we've talked about this before. Almost three decades later, you know, practicing professionally, and I still get those aha moments and I still say wow, still get those aha moments and I still say wow. And to me, the more aha moments you have as a practicing psychic or just using your own intuition, the more aha moments you have, the more you connect with your intuition, the more aha moments you'll continue to have and it'll grow and there'll be that flare up that that amazing. Oh my God, I feel so psychic, I feel so intuitive this month, like how a journal Get a journal and write it down.
Granddaughter Crow:Write down. I had this strange dream, this weird thought came to my head Like, what else would you journal about? Like Melanie, because I see you going yes, journal, journal, journal. What do you got to say about the journals?
Melanie B. :So just about every single book that I write. I talk about journaling and I'm not just sitting there saying that you have to write down like a diary. You know, like this happened, that happened, this happened, that happened. That's not what I'm talking about when I talk about journaling. What I'm saying is if something comes to you, you know and it's symbolic which which, to me, symbolism is inside, it's kind of intangible, you can't touch it, whereas signs are external.
Melanie B. :So if it's something that's symbolic, or even that, if it's something that's a sign, write it down, because symbols are how the universe talks to us quite often and it's because they try and send us information in the best way possible. Send us information in the best way possible. They try and give us information whether it's your higher self, or your loved ones on the other side, or your guides, or your angels, or you know, whoever you believe in. I call it the universe. So when the universe is trying to send you information, they'll send it to you in a way that makes it easiest for you to understand. So you know, if you could imagine hearing one word and not just having that one word, mean that one word. It means it's like getting a whole paragraph of information in one word, and that's the stuff that you really need to write down.
Melanie B. :Those are the aha moments. Those are the symbols, because they will, moving forward now know the universe, your guides, your loved ones. They will, moving forward now know the universe, your guides, your loved ones. They'll know that they can send you that symbol and it will relate and you'll be able to understand it instantly. So when you create your own symbols journal or your own intuitive journal, then you're able to go back to it. You know there's so many people we have so many common symbolic messages that come through and for everybody. You know there's so many people we have so many common symbolic messages that come through.
Melanie B. :And for everybody you know there's, there's common ones, there's ones that we all understand. You know, if we see and I use this example all the time if we see a stop sign, we know it means stop, right, right. But if you see and again, I use this all the time when I see, if I'm doing a reading for somebody, and I see a baseball diamond, you would instantly think, ok, that person plays baseball, or that person is connected to baseball in some way, or the person that passed is connected to baseball, and that may be very well be the case. So when I tell people recognize your symbols, don't discount that it could be a literal translation or it could be something literal, right. But when I see a baseball diamond, a literal translation, or it could be something literal, right.
Melanie B. :But when I see a baseball diamond, it's a reference to a mother, because it's a reference to my mom. I know it sounds strange and my mom didn't even like baseball until the very end of her life. So it sounds, I get goosebumps again. So it sounds really interesting or really strange when you think about how far out in left field, literally, you know that that symbol could be for you. And that's why keeping a journal is so important and that's why you know, as you said, writing stuff down, writing down the flare ups and what happened, and writing down the aha moments, and writing down what it means, or even what you were doing when you received what you think was an intuitive nudge.
Granddaughter Crow:I love it. So I love that you talk about, the more that you engage and get that confirmation, the more that you know that you're in the flow and you're connected with something, because that's just true and I love that. And then it also on the other side. I've heard that self-doubt is the arch nemesis of the magician. Self-doubt is arch nemesis of the magician. So all of us have our good, healthy. So all of us have our good, healthy, heaping share of self-doubt. You know why? Because we are human living on Earth. You know Exactly.
Granddaughter Crow:And yet when you write and journal things down, you're just like but the proof is in the pudding, you know, and I love that. I love that and I love this because when I talk about what you're talking about, this intuitive thing, this journal, this dialogue, I call it your personal psychic dictionary and I'm just like you know, maybe when you were young and you weren't feeling good and you had a stomach ache and a fever, and your caregiver came up to you and gave you a cherry popsicle and said don't worry, I know you don't feel good now, but everything will be okay. And so then in a weird way, your psyche like recognizes cherry popsicle with I'm not feeling good, I am being watched over, that's okay, it'll be okay. So, in a psychic read, then if I'm like sitting there and I see a cherry popsicle yeah, maybe the person likes cherry popsicles, just had one the literal translation I get hung up on sometimes, but usually I'll just look at them and say I know that you might not be feeling well right now, but I'm just here to tell you that you are being watched over and everything will be okay, this will pass. And then it's just like oh well, okay.
Granddaughter Crow:And yet the literal translations are so hilarious to me because I'm trying to read into what does this mean? What does this mean? And then I'm just like well, here, let me just show you, I'm seeing this. And they're like oh, you know, I'm like I see a bunch of coins and I thought, you know, and he was like oh well, I just came from trading in a bunch of gold coins and it's just like oh, so that was just residual energy. So the more that you journal, the more that you get used to how you are perceiving into this dialogue, and the more that they know that you are getting their messages, the more it becomes a dialogue and not just a one-way conversation where they're saying a bunch of stuff to you but you get to turn around and go wait. But what did that mean? Or, you know, you get to talk to them a little bit more of a dialogue. Could you talk to us about like dialogue with spirit, and are we allowed to ask questions once we get a sign that we might not understand Right?
Melanie B. :So what's interesting to me is I'm going to first talk about imagination because, like you said, self-doubt it's so common to have doubt about what you're receiving and to think that it's your imagination, and sometimes it is your imagination. But what I tell people all the time is that you have to be able to imagine things in order to receive things. If you can't hear, feel, see, know, taste, smell things with your imagination, then you can't receive any type of you know, symbolic or intuitive messages, because your imagination will block it off. You won't be able to do that. So it's important to use your imagination. But that also opens us up then to the self-doubt.
Melanie B. :So if you're not sure what you just got, or what the message may mean that you think you have or that you think you're getting, ask for validation, ask for something else, ask. You can ask your guides, your loved ones, spirit. You can ask the universe give me something more. Yeah, let me know that I'm on the right track here. You know. Validate it for me by showing me another symbol or another sign externally. You know, give me something more, something I can work with, and you know if, if you were asking and I can't even think of a good example.
Melanie B. :But if you were asking, you know, should I take this new job or should I not take this new job? And all of a sudden another job offer comes in and you're like, oh wait, should I go for that job? And then you see a stop sign. Like I said before, well, the stop sign now could be applying to either one of those jobs You're not quite sure which one is which now could be applying to either one of those jobs. You're not quite sure which one is which. But then if you ask for validation and say it was, you know, being a nurse at this hospital versus at this school, and all of a sudden you see a bunch of little kids running around, then they're directing you to go be a nurse at the school.
Granddaughter Crow:Yeah.
Melanie B. :Right, yeah, so if you ask for validation, you usually get it, and it may not happen instantly. It may not happen right away, it may take a day or two, it may even take a week. Yeah, because maybe you don't need to make that decision yet, you don't need to choose yet. Yeah, maybe neither one is right for you, so you're not going to get that validation right away. Yeah, but if you ask for validation, the universe will provide it in one way or another. The, the universe will provide it. So, in order to get past kind of that self-doubt, get past that fear that it's just your imagination, ask for more.
Granddaughter Crow:Because somebody, when I was teaching a class on meditation and intuition and psychic development, you know that was one of those questions that come up quite often, like is this my imagination or is this my intuition? And I find that a very beautiful question, because they are sisters, like you said, it's kind of they're sisters. And so then what I say to them is who is driving your imagination at this moment? Are you driving it is a situation in the past or did you connect with the divine and you're asking for the divine to give you? So then, because it feels a lot like what do you think? So I'm like surrender your imagination at certain times and allow those pictures. So for me, I have an agreement. I do one-on-one sessions and I still continue to do that.
Granddaughter Crow:And one thing when you come into a one-on-one session with Granddaughter Crow, the first thing I do is like hi, blah, blah, blah, when's your birthday? Blah, blah, blah. I do is like hi, blah, blah, blah, when's your birthday? Blah, blah, blah. And then I say, okay, let's set sacred space. And then I say welcome into this space, welcome into this time which is centering somebody right there. Leave everything else, we are here now. And then I say I draw a circle around the space, around this time, declaring it a sacred space. Draw a circle around this space around this time, declaring it a sacred space. So now only sacred things can come into that space. And it's an agreement between me, spirit and the person who came into the session.
Granddaughter Crow:And then I say I set my ego to the outside, or my fun imagination to the outside, so I'm not projecting onto them.
Granddaughter Crow:Oh, you remind me of my one friend, shannon. You must be really fun, and I don't project my old memory onto them. And then I say, and I open myself up as a conduit, that will be the divine as it reveals itself to you, which, moreover, goes to your point, like maybe it's your guides, maybe it's your ancestors, maybe it's like maybe it's your guides, maybe it's your ancestors, maybe it's your angels, maybe it's the aliens, whatever it is the universe, I call it the divine as it reveals itself to you, because it reveals itself to me differently, like all the time, the more I grow, it changes and shifts, and I don't put it in a box, and so, and then I'm just like to provide you with the most beneficial information that you need today, because you know what you may need to hear something different tomorrow or in a year, and so that's kind of my way and that's one of my agreements. So then, in short, I'm turning over my imagination to the divine in that scenario. So what do you think about that?
Melanie B. :That's a lot. No, I think it's perfect. I think it's perfect and I don't know if you notice, but I'm like itching. I'm itching my head, I'm messing with my hair. It's not because I have bugs, I swear. There's nothing jumping out other than you know. My hair is thinning quite drastically, but besides that there's there's nothing jumping out other than you know. My hair is thinning quite drastically, but besides that, there's nothing jumping out. It's just that what you're saying is being validated by my guides, by my universe. So what you're talking about makes total sense. You know you're asking for not only your client to be present, but also you to be present so you can be a conduit, so that you can be there to share the information that you're getting. And it makes total sense to me If you're not prepared to be present for your client or for whoever you're reading for, it'll never work. You won't get the information. Yeah, so it makes total sense to me.
Granddaughter Crow:I love it. So, once again, melanie Barnum, just wwwmelaniebarnumcom. Books, card decks, one-on-one sessions, just so many, so many things to connect. And if you didn't, so many, so many things to connect. And if you didn't, if you don't know if it works, trust me.
Granddaughter Crow:This show came through melanie saying oh, by the way, granddaughter crow, this is a show, and I was like wow and I took that and it became alive within me and I have been having so much fun getting to know people and sharing information, asking questions that maybe others are afraid to ask, like what is Lumeria? What do you mean by the Akashic Records Is hoodoo scary If I have a white body? Records Is hoodoo scary If I have a white body. Can I practice All of those wonderful questions, belief being and beyond, bringing great people to great people?
Granddaughter Crow:So let's just go ahead and circle back to where it all began and maybe kind of we've got where it all began with Believe, being and Beyond podcast. We've got where it all began in your story. Let's talk a little bit about where our audience is now, because we kind of gave them clues, journal and things like that. Like get your confirmations live, thrive, grow. You might be a left-centric hemisphere row, you might be a left-centric hemisphere. I mean, I wasn't the controller, but I was the manager of financial communications for an international company under investor relations, public relations and media relations. If that isn't left-centric, I don't know what is except for being a controller.
Granddaughter Crow:But then how we ended out, kind of balancing this out. So for the listeners, what are little things. If they're going through transitions around, opening up more of their intuition, maybe they are ready to make a big leap. Maybe they don't have to make a big leap, maybe it's just about opening it up. I would say to do journal, light a candle and be quiet, and then journal. I would say, be quiet. What little other things would you say along the listener on where it all begins for their tomorrow? Today?
Melanie B. :Well, I mean light a candle and be quiet. I've never heard it quite said that way, but that is perfect, yeah you heard it first on Granddaughter Crows.
Melanie B. :It's perfect because it's all about focus. So you know you're focusing your energy on that flame of the candle, you're focusing your energy somewhere and that's pretty much what you need to do. You're focusing your energy on that flame of the candle, you're focusing your energy somewhere, and that's pretty much what you need to do. If you're starting whether it's a professional practice or whether you're just starting to tune into your own intuitive abilities, your own intuitive gifts, you need to focus on that yourself. You need to focus on what you're trying to open up to and you need to be open to the possibility and open to the messages that you're either receiving or that you're going to receive. Because if you're not open and you're closed off and you're like this, you know like whether it's metaphorically or whether it's literal, if you're like this to the universe, you know you're not going to get anything. And if you do get stuff, it's going to be kind of corrupted a little bit because you're so kind of standoffish. So the biggest thing for me is to be open and then, as you said, you know, kind of focus your energy. You can focus it in any way you want. If lighting a candle and staring at that candle works for you? Yes. If you know, looking at and focusing on a big giant crystal works for you, yes, do that. You know there's no right or wrong. It's about you and it's about what makes you feel comfortable. It's about what makes you feel like you're connecting. But, as you said, you know you're focusing your energy on being open, being open to the messages, being open to the possibilities, being open to, whether it's, you know, strictly intuitive information or shamanic information that you know you're receiving from the earth, from the energies around you, from your ancestors, whether it's, you know, hoodoo stuff that you know it's practiced and, you know, passed down in generations. I'm getting goosebumps because it can be whatever you're drawn to, you know you don't have to, you don't have to label it, especially in the beginning. You don't have to box yourself in. It doesn't have to be one thing. It can be a mix of everything which you know.
Melanie B. :You mentioned at the beginning that I'm certified in so many different modalities, and I am, and that's because I was exploring what felt right to me. And what feels right to you right now may not be the same thing that's going to feel right to you in a year from now or in five years from now, because you're not supposed to stay stuck, you're supposed to expand and you're supposed to learn what feels right. And I'm a little jealous of you that you get to interview all these amazing people from all these different areas. You know, we're all kind of part of the same coin, but it's the other side, it's the flip side, and it's all these different people that can bring you information in so many different ways. But essentially, we're all doing this because it's bringing something to us. It's bringing that knowledge, that awareness, that wisdom and opening and being open to that knowledge and that wisdom is huge.
Melanie B. :And if you can find somebody to practice with a friend more power to you, like that's even better. And not because the friend is going to necessarily make you more psychic or more intuitive, but it's going to make it fun, it'll make you open up and it'll make it fun for you and it won't feel like it's work, it won't feel like it's difficult, it makes it fun. And they don't even have to be into it, by the way. You know you could just use them to work for yourself, to do it for yourself, and it makes it more fun, it makes it more enjoyable. Not that tuning into your intuition isn't because for me it's my favorite thing in the world to do. You know I love to do that, I love to do readings. I'd love to write about it and teach other people how to do it, but it makes it more fun.
Melanie B. :So, opening up, being open to the wisdom of the universe in whichever way feels right to you, whichever way you receive it and we didn't even talk about the clairs, but you know clairvoyance clear sight, clear audience, clear hearing, clear sentience, clear feeling, clear cognizance, just that knowing. Clear aliens, smelling or clear olfactory it's also called clear gustants, it's that taste. You can be receiving symbolic information. You can be receiving other types of information through all of these different senses. Any sense that you have physically you can be using intuitively. So being open to receiving information in all of those different ways and not discounting the information you're getting, not judging it is huge. And, like I said, grab a friend, do it with somebody else, because it's always more fun. It's more fun doing it hands-on. It just makes for a better time to tune in.
Granddaughter Crow:I love that and, once again, real life intuition, where Melanie does go into all of those different gifts and everything. Pick up that book. But you know, the last thing that I would add is exactly what you just started saying. And then hands on, then actually go out and do an action in accordance to the information that you receive, the positive information that you received. So, for example, last year I was sitting here with Melanie on screen and she says I was sitting here with Melanie on screen and she says you could do a podcast that is true, you should do a podcast is what I said.
Melanie B. :Oh you should do a podcast.
Granddaughter Crow:Perfect. Yeah, see, I love it. Sorry, no, I love that. I love that you should do a podcast, because you just did. You know it was that and I could have gone. Oh wow, what a blessing. I'm recognized. I feel really cool about myself. That conversation went well, doot-de-doot-de-doo, and I could have went down my road and done nothing about it and we'd be back on screen today and Melanie would be like again, you should do a podcast. So it's kind of like what happened was it spoke to my soul.
Granddaughter Crow:It spoke to my inner chills, my tickling, my goosebumps, and it still is. I mean, you might be able to see a goose bump or two, but at the end of the day, I took my free will with that information, followed the curiosity and took action. Take action, people, where it all began means nothing unless you take action on where it all begins. Let it begin with you today. So maybe you are just curious about crystals, intuition, the cosmos, astrology or whatever. It doesn't even have to be spiritual. In context it could be. I'm curious about baby boutiques or children's boutiques. Follow that, because not all spiritual workers are, you know, certified, licensed da-da-da-da-da practitioners A lot.
Granddaughter Crow:The majority of the spiritual worker works in the regular mundane world and smiles at you, delivers your mail. Um, is the police officer that shows up with a car accident? Is the you know person at the grocery store? Is the person I mean? There's so many spiritual workers out there. Let's light like, let's light like. Let our light recognize their light, because like recognize like and light recognizes light. Let's see if my enunciation translates on a podcast. So, anyway, what do you think about that, melanie? Do you have any final words to say to the listening audience?
Melanie B. :Well, I think what you just said is absolutely correct. We're all not going to be professional psychics, we're not all supposed to go out and do readings for everybody else, but we are all supposed to be open to our own intuitive nudges, our own intuitive hunches. And no matter how you feel about that, no matter how it resonates within you, it's your reality. And just because you know I'm doing this professionally and I'm writing books with it doesn't mean that the next person in line is supposed to do professionally or is supposed to write books with it. It doesn't mean that what I do is the same thing as granddaughter crow, because it's not. Um, you know, our, our lives and our work crosses over, and it does that for a reason because, again, there's so many different modalities out there. There's so many different ways to learn and to tune into the universe and to what the universe is trying to help us learn and help us understand. It's what resonates with you. So you know, going back to the podcast, when I said you should absolutely should do a podcast because you're amazing, it resonated with you and so, as you said, you ran with it because it did. It resonated with you and so, as you said, you ran with it because it did, it resonated with you. Yes, it was great, it was flattering, it was, you know, oh, thank you so much, but it resonated with you, otherwise you wouldn't have gone with it, and that's what people have to learn to do. If it resonates with you, then it's good for you.
Melanie B. :If it's something that's not resonating with you, then it's probably not a good direction for you to go, regardless of what it is. And that's also one of the things that I tell all my clients, as I'm doing. You know, I have like this whole spiel when I first start, because it helps me to kind of tune into them, and one of the things I say is you know, let me know if it resonates with you, because if it resonates with you, then it makes total sense and we're in the same kind of flow, if sense and we're in the same kind of flow. If it doesn't resonate with you, then I'll try and tune in a little bit differently, because maybe I'm not hearing things the right way or seeing things the right way or feeling things the right way or knowing things the right way. And again, remember that validation thing, you know, ask for validation, ask for the information to come in a different way and just see where you feel the best, see where you feel right, see where you feel like you're resonating with it.
Melanie B. :Again, it could be shamanism, it could be, you know, psychic development. It could overlap, it could be, you know, I used to teach a class with somebody and we did that the angels in the earth, you know. So you had shamanism and then you had the angelic realm and two different things. But we're teaching essentially the same thing. We're teaching how to tune in, and that's what.
Granddaughter Crow:That's what people need to do is tune in yep and tune in to belief being and beyond podcast wherever you get your podcast, and on granddaughter crow on youtube, youtube.
Melanie B. :I couldn't help it, melanie, that was just oh, that was perfect, segue you did. That was amazing.
Granddaughter Crow:So, anyway, more wonderful. Here's to another year of belief being and beyond, and blessings to all of the listeners. Please like subscribe. Share Text the show. Please like subscribe. Share Texas show. Please give me feedback, like if there's something that you want to know more about but you live in Alabama and you can't come out of your witch closet or broom closet, or you can't be the shaman, or you can't because you have this, just send me, I'll go in there and get it for you. I'll go get the information for you. I'll find somebody. We're going to have so many wonderful people on the show. Please follow for more and share if you think that this will bless somebody else. I just love bringing great people to great people, talking about a bunch of different belief systems and knowing that belief systems and knowing that belief systems constitute how you behave in the world, and there's always something more. Let's continue to grow. I love you, I love you. I love you. You are loved. See you on the flippity flip.