Belief, Being, & BEYOND!

Urban Shamanism: Bridging Corporate America and Spiritual Healing

Granddaughter Crow Season 4 Episode 2

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We explore the journey of Urban Shaman Gayle Fowler, who successfully bridges the gap between Corporate America and Spiritual Healing. After 30 years as a project manager and director, Gayle embraced her lifelong intuitive abilities to become a certified Reiki master, medical intuitive, and channel while maintaining her business acumen.

• Born with spiritual gifts including sensing spirits and energies from childhood in Hawaii
• Initially compartmentalized her gifts to pursue corporate success with an MBA
• Learned to integrate intuitive abilities into her corporate role as an empath
• Discovered she didn't need formal certification to embrace her shamanic calling
• Works with animal medicine, especially bear medicine, through shamanic journeying
• Experienced remarkable encounters with Sasquatch beings and telepathic communication
• Now teaches others to trust their intuition without forcing a "cookie-cutter approach"
• Guides people in remembering their forgotten spiritual abilities
• Created her business GEAF Gifts LLC and offers monthly Shaman's Journey discussion group

Find Gayle at or visit her shop in Westminster, Colorado by appointment for healing sessions, Reiki training, and shamanic guidance.

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Granddaughter Crow:

Welcome to Belief being and Beyond with your host, Granddaughter Crow. Hi everybody, granddaughter Crow here with yet another episode of Belief being and Beyond, and I always find beyond for you guys. And we are going beyond once again, taking us outside of the normal mundane muggle scope and really looking at the world through my wonderful colleague, friend, wonderful Gayle, Fowler. And say hi to everybody, gail, before I give you a proper introduction.

Gayle Fowler:

Hello everybody.

Granddaughter Crow:

Glad to be here. Oh, it's so nice to have you. So let me just tell you a little bit about Gayle. So check this out, Gayle. is an urban shaman Wait, what An urban shaman. We're going to be talking a lot about that. Also a certified master teacher of Reiki and the Feather Way, which we might get into. She's an empath, a medical intuitive and a channel. So she started GEAF Gifts G-E-A-F Gifts L-L-C in 2012, and opened up her own shop in November of 2025.

Granddaughter Crow:

Gail found at an early age that she was able to ease people's pain ease the pain of people loved ones, like both physical and emotional pain, and she could sense spirits and all of these things. But it wasn't until she first completed her Reiki certification here in Colorado that she accepted the role as being a healer. She also has the gift of seeing past lives, sharing messages from your guides and connecting with shamanic guides, which I'm really excited. You know I want to talk about that. You know I want to talk about that. She works with Bayer Medicine and other indigenous medicines to help people to heal their emotional, mental, spiritual bodies and help them to heal their physical bodies at the University of Hawaii, but then she came here to Colorado and decided to get her master's and MBA master's of business administration from the prestigious Regis University when she finally left corporate America after over 30 years as a project manager director to pursue her healing path.

Granddaughter Crow:

And I really wanted to make sure that I got all of that in there, Because a lot of the listeners are finding themselves at the crossroads between that logical corporate America got my MBA, what am I doing? And then this spiritual healing path. So let's just start there, because you are one of those beautiful souls that does both and I've known that ever since I've met you. You have an extremely business side, logical side, and then a very intuitive side. So how did you tell us a little bit about how you got here and that path?

Gayle Fowler:

Well, I like to tell people I was born this way, both sides and so, you know, at a very young age I decided, you know, I'm going to work on building my resume and, you know, making it in corporate America. But what I was born with was the ability to sense spirits, sense energies, knowing things and growing up that way. I'm of Japanese ancestry, grew up in Hawaii, so in Hawaii we have a melting pot. Everybody is, you know, we're all mixed, except for me. I was like I'm only Japanese, but anyway, what we, what we learned, there was a. We're known to be superstitious, I think, as a culture, because it's so blended. You have all these different, you know beliefs from different countries, and then Hawaii itself, with the magical, the mana, all of those there. You know, you can't help but start to see things, experience things. So I always had that, but I said no, I can't focus on that, because growing up, my mom used to say things like don't tell anybody because they're going to think you're crazy.

Gayle Fowler:

You know things like that right and so, um, but I thought everybody was this. I didn't think I was any different Until I started to ask questions or, you know, start saying things, and when I was told don't say that it was like, oh okay, like I remember very young I'd say, mommy, there's a ghost in that room. She'd say don't go in there. So you know, that's so. Then I really worked on, you know, succeeding in the business world, and so I got my, you know, my BA and my MBA, and but there's still the other side of me. That was still there and I tried to put it aside or, like, put it in the closet, because I was focused, right to succeed in corporate America. But then I realized, you know, that was still a part of me and there's things I just cannot unsee or unknow. And that's where you and I had a good discussion, when we had a reading which helped me to understand that there was nothing wrong with me in that sense and that I could have both worlds. So I like to say I wear different hats depending on the situation, but when I started I think it was back in 2012 is when I started Gift Gifts, but even before that, I started to separate them. You know, like say, here is the muggle job and here is my spiritual side. So when we talked about it, even about what I was receiving the gifts and I want to be a shaman, you know, all of that stuff it was me who said it was. I couldn't do both, you know. And after we talked about it and then your path, I was like, oh, wait a minute. So the things that I've been receiving from my guides, like I'm not making that up, you know. And like I, somebody asked me this is do you lie? Do you make things up? I'm like no, they said, why would you start now? So I'm like, oh, so the logical side of me started to understand, going, wait a minute. Yeah, that's true, and there's just experiences that I've had that you know. I know it to be true, and it started very, very young. So I kind of used my intuition in corporate america as well, understanding, like being an empath, understanding. Okay, this person who's coming into this meeting is not doing so well, you know, I can feel their energy. So, you know, maybe at the break I'll say how you doing everything, okay, you know. So, trying to bring that balance in there without, you know, really pushing the issue, so to speak. Yeah, the woo Right. Yeah, but one of the best experiences that I had where it combined the two.

Gayle Fowler:

I was a director and I had 250 people under me and I had some directors and managers under me and one of them, he came in and he was like oh, I got a headache. His job was very stressful. And I said I just gave away my last ad bill dress. And I said I just gave away my last ad bill and he's like, oh, and I said do you trust me, bill? He goes. Yeah, I said then have a seat. And so I started to release the pressures.

Gayle Fowler:

You know, that time I was just I was just about finishing my Reiki master teacher class and I said, okay, just sit there. And I just pulled out the stress and he, he sat there, he goes. I said so how did it feel? He goes. What did you just do? I said did you feel it being pulled out? He goes. That was weird. I said but do you feel better? He goes. Yeah, it's gone, he goes, but I'll come see you afterwards. I said well, you could bring in more stress to cause more pain. I said, but, yeah, do so. And so he kind of left going. Hmm, you know, and he's from Alaska, I'm like, oh, you totally know what I'm doing.

Gayle Fowler:

So he came back and he goes. We're walking around. It's like probably 7 o'clock at night we're still there. I'm like so, bill, how you doing he goes? Oh yeah, never came back. I said good back. I said good, so it combined the two so I can still do it in the private.

Gayle Fowler:

You know, fortune of working with one of my um I'm calling my friend um and it and it still fit in our corporate job because then he could do his job without the. You know the tension, headaches and I realized going. You know I'm the one who's worried about what people will think of me. But after a while, as I got older, I'm like, oh well, I am who I am and that's now where I'm seeing and a lot has to do with you know, working with you a lot of the guidance that you gave me, starting to accept the gifts that I had and not keep thinking I have to prove it, I have to get the. You know you have to have the validation. All the time I still do, but it's cool to have it and going. Oh yeah, I knew that, you know. So then that allowed me to work more with the spirit guides, with the animal spirit guides especially. They came in really strong and then choosing the path of a shaman. And I remember we were back, we were in estes park. Oh, I love it.

Gayle Fowler:

Yeah, we were in estes park and it was, I think they would have a session. So we were all just like hanging out all of the vendors and the readers. So I said, okay, you know, I want to, I'm going to have a meeting, you know session, with you, with you. And I remember asking you why is it that when I want to take these shaman classes, either I don't have the money or the dates don't match up? And then you kind of asked me you know, why do you feel you have to take this class? And I said because otherwise I can't call myself a shaman. And then we started talking about you know, the certificate. I would feel better if I had that piece of paper. But you were saying, you know, but you already have it. You know, as we started talking and, um, you know about.

Gayle Fowler:

Then, when you, what really sold me was when you had told me you were a keynote speaker at that conference with all the female shamans and they were jockeying, right, they're all who the teacher was. And then they asked you granddaughter crow, who's your teachers? And you said my guides. And when you told me that I was like, oh, because I did get a lot of guidance and at time I would call it. They're poking at me. We want you to do it, but not shoving me, just a little poke, poke, poke. And then you said you just need to remember what you forgot. And my analytical brain's going well. If I forgot it, how am I going to remember? But then it started. It's almost like you lit the candle and now I can start seeing it.

Gayle Fowler:

And then I had little things happening, like we were doing clearing ceremony with the fire, and I remember hearing Grandfather Bear saying throw the bear root in there, the osha root, and I'm like, yeah, I have some in my medicine box. He goes, throw it in. So I was like, okay, you know, thinking to myself whatever I'm going to do it, I'm talking to myself, you know. But I knew I wasn't, so I put a little bit in there. And then Garrett Duncan you know, garrett, he's Navajo and he came to me. He goes what did you put in there? I said bare root and I said bear root and I said was I not supposed to? He goes obviously you were. I've just never experienced it before. It was very grounding, very soothing. Then he says who told you to put it in? I said Grandfather Bear and he goes. That was amazing. And so that was the validation we were talking about. I listened, I did it, I'm going okay, we'll see what happens. And then you know, especially with Garrett saying, you know you should do this, this is great. He never thought of that and I looked up to him, you know, as one of my teachers as well. I'm going, wow, that was pretty interesting.

Gayle Fowler:

And then another key piece that came about was Sandra sandra ingerman. So you know, a lot of people talk about sandra ingerman and I just happened to listen in I think it was like a year in ceremony or something like that and just happened to listen and they were asking that the guest, um, she was a guest. There were two other guests, um, and the question was you know, what was your most amazing? Either ritual or ceremony? And sandra ingerman said the most amazing you know that ceremony she ever did was when she followed her intuition and I said that's what I wanted to hear.

Gayle Fowler:

And so then after that, I started trusting you know, still have doubts, but I still say okay and then amazing things started happening, because I kind of like took that veil down, the veil that I put up, right, right, and so that's how I can walk the two worlds. In fact, I did go back and I'm doing a muggle job during the day, but it's like it's such an easy job because I threw it out there, saying, if I'm going back because this came about because of the pandemic, you know. So I said, ok, I want to work remotely, so I want to work from home. I don't want to be the boss and I basically want to do the job and then be able to go and see clients. You know things like that, and I've been lucky. It just happens that way and I get paid way more than I did when I worked full time for the big companies and I'm having fun. That's that bridge that I, you know, figured it out.

Gayle Fowler:

I love it.

Granddaughter Crow:

I absolutely love it and you know, meeting you and your spirit and what I see as your soul, it was to me like, oh, all we need to do is wake this one up Because she's got lifetimes of you know work that she's done, energetic, energetic work, work with other beings outside, and all of these gifts. And then so, when I don't say that to everybody, gail, I don't just tell them don't get the certificate. Yeah, there's some. I'm like, here I'm teaching a class, let's start with ABCs. You know'm just playing, but you know it was. It was. It was. I recognized you and your ancient soul and that's why I said that to you. Um, is that? Uh, just remember what you forgot and what I meant was what your DNA and your spirit and your soul already knows.

Granddaughter Crow:

If you can get your mind quiet and do that and now look at you, I mean it's just amazing and this is beautiful, because you call yourself the urban shaman and I love that, because a lot of people you know come up to me because I do carry the title of shaman and teach shamanism and all of that as Granddaughter Crow. But a lot of times they look at me because I'm indigenous to, you know North America and they're just like oh well, that gives you the right to be this way, when in truth, if you study it far back enough, shamanism doesn't even come from north america, comes from, like siberia to angustic period, and it's evolved into this um ability to be there on behalf of the people and bringing in other. You know the bear. I can totally see the bear energy with you. I carry a lot of bear, even though I don't talk about it.

Granddaughter Crow:

I come from a bear clan and it's just really kind of beautiful because you're helping, I think, people who are going through a lot of things like you are where it's like okay, I've got to turn on the corporate America thing and then I got to turn it off and then I turn on the spiritual thing. And I'm not saying that that's good or bad, I'm just saying that if you do it long enough, you can find a way to blend them, and I too worked in corporate America for not as long as you, but I still worked there and I can't go back because I am way too crazy for them nowadays. Just kidding, gail, I played.

Gayle Fowler:

But you know, what I'm finding is that it's becoming a lot more acceptable. Finding is that it's becoming a lot more acceptable. The project that I was on prior to the one I'm on now, it was very stressful. I could feel everybody being stressed and I managed a smaller group this time, even though I said I wouldn't Stupid me, says okay, I'll do it. But then I said you know what I'm thinking. Let's do a group thing, because we always met once a month. I said why don't we do a class to teach you how to do some relaxation exercises, you know? And they were really, really open to it. Then they started asking me well, what do you do besides this? And so I told them um, some of them knew what reiki was. Some of them understood.

Gayle Fowler:

I said, know, a lot of your physical ailments are tied to a lot of trauma that we push down. You know, or it's hidden or some subconscious that you may not be aware of it, but you can get triggered. So all of that is playing a role into who you are now and I really had a really good response. And then people after that was contacting me, going tell me more, tell me more, you know. And then one of the biggest stress buckets. I'll call him. He missed the class. I said so you know? When do you want to sit and chat? I'll just help you give you some exercise. He goes. Who says they're stressed? And I thought he was joking, he was totally serious. He goes. Nobody's stressed here. I said obviously you are not seeing things as clearly. I said you are the stress bucket, you are the king of the stress buckets. And he was like what? And I said yes, think about it.

Gayle Fowler:

And he also had some personal things going on in his life with his father. So I told him. I said Kyle going on in his life with his father. So I told him, I said Kyle, you've got all of these, you know, competing priorities which is really affecting you, and you're really. You know you're not performing as well as you need to, and it's because of all this. So we talked a little bit. You know, I don't think he ever did the exercise and he says well, I go to church and I said that that's good. Do you release it when you go there? And he sat there. He said that's the key. If we keep keeping all of that junk inside, eventually it's going to find a way to come out and manifest in some kind of a physical dis-ease, as we call right, and I know, because I've had so many other things You'd think I would know. I'm like no, I'm good at explaining it to others, but not self-practice, right, not? You know that piece, but so I saw how it can really work together.

Granddaughter Crow:

And so.

Gayle Fowler:

I can do this now and I'm not really afraid to say what I do in addition to my day job, and it's okay. And I said well, if they have a problem with it, then I'll just go find something else. That's right. I could have done that, like you know, 20 years ago, even 10 years ago, it would have been a show yeah, I Absolutely love it, and so you can find GIF GIFs at GIFsGIFscom, which is G-E-A-F.

Granddaughter Crow:

Talk to us about okay. So your business is called GIF GIFs LLC and the first GIF is spelled G-E-A-F and the second one is just the regular GIFs. Like I'm going to give you a GIF, so where does? One is just the regular gifts. Like I'm going to give you a gift, so where does how did that name come about?

Gayle Fowler:

I've always wanted to ask you. Well, I tried to figure out a unique name, right? So I won't have any problems registering the name. You know the business, right? And so I just took my initials. So it's Gail Emmy Asao. So that's my two middle names, Fowler, and so that's my two middle middle names, fowler, and so that's where gift comes from.

Granddaughter Crow:

So if you're, enjoying the belief being and beyond podcast and would like to support it. I'm on patreon. Just go to patreon granddaughter crow or you can find it at granddaughter crowcom. Thank you, I love it. So for the listeners um who are in Colorado or visiting Colorado, you can actually visit your shop in Westminster, colorado, on location.

Gayle Fowler:

Oh, that's awesome. So I do it by appointment because I'm not there all day, right, so they can come. My office is actually on 91st Place in Sheridan and I'm in Building B and I took Building B, suite B 101. So it's on the ground floor. So a lot of my clients who have walkers, canes, you know, wheelchairs they don't have to go upstairs because those buildings don't have, you know, elevators. And of course my sons and my husband was very happy when they had to move me in that there were no stairs.

Granddaughter Crow:

That's right, I absolutely love it. So what else do you offer online? I know that you're a teacher and you teach a number of different types of classes shamanism, all of Reiki, all of those classes. Do you do some online and what do you have coming up? So?

Gayle Fowler:

actually it's funny that we're talking about the shamanism side too, because I'm just starting a group. It's going to be the Thursday, the last Thursday of every month. It's from 630 to 830. And I'm calling it a Shaman's Journey discussion group. I love it. So it's not about you coming in for a personal session or getting you know. It's more like you've got a question, you know, or you know something's, maybe you picked up something or you're not sure about something. We have a group to be able to talk about it, and I have that online as well as in person, and so I'm going to be doing it on a monthly basis and I'm also thinking of having people come as guest speakers.

Gayle Fowler:

Like we talked about it before, I wanted to create a series where people could talk about how did they become the shaman, could talk about how did they become that shaman, um, and that was, I would say, maybe just at the latter part of the, the pandemic piece of it, and so you know, trying to figure out how we're going to do it online and things, and there were some. There were two key people that I wanted to share because you know they're very, they were elders and they had unique backgrounds. So one was Clifford Mahudi. Yes, you know, clifford, I had the opportunity to work with him to hear the stories, all of that stuff. So I was so excited to have him and he can talk about the star connection and what the Zuni tribe does.

Gayle Fowler:

And then he passed, oh. And the other one was um chief golden light eagle. I thought that's great and then he passed, yeah, and it kind of well, it made me sad, I felt a little lost and I said, well, let me see. But then I realized it started up again. It says because I've had several people refer people to me and I say, if you just want to talk, we'll sit and talk. And then the more I talked with them I said you know, I think this is what we need to have, because there's too many. That says you need to do it my way. Yes, I agree with that and I'm going. Well, it doesn't always work that way and like I would say I don't meditate.

Gayle Fowler:

I meditate when I'm making things, but I got to my brain won't stop doing so. But when I'm focusing on one thing, the messages just comes in. So I was telling I think it was in my Reiki master teacher class he said you're meditating when you're focusing on that one thing. And I said, oh, I didn't know that, because I can just see meditating, I'm going to sit in an awkward position and then I have to sit for a long time and try not to get my brain, you know, thinking about all the things I needed to do.

Gayle Fowler:

So I've learned a lot and I want to be able to help people kind of like realize it's not a cookie cutter approach, yes, you know, and a lot of the younger ones are thinking I have to take all these classes, I have to do this, I have to do that. And when I'm talking to them because of you, I'm like you realize you're already a shaman, right? And then talk to them about it and they're like oh, I said, yeah, I said shaman actually came from the Tungsten province. It's not even like you're saying it's not Native American, right. And oh, I said it's another name for a healer, you know, for the one who can go between assisting in the different realms, I mean all these. It's just a universally accepted label. That's right, but then we will think it needs to be. You need to be taught like how the indigenous culture was taught.

Granddaughter Crow:


Gayle Fowler:

Another thing that you said which makes me think about it. You're like well, how do you think the first shaman got the message?

Granddaughter Crow:

That's exactly right.

Gayle Fowler:

That's exactly right, you're right. Yeah, when I take classes, it helps me to remember what I forgot. That's exactly the reason. So all of that, they all tie together. Yeah, we have to get out of our own way, which I'm still working on.

Granddaughter Crow:

Yeah, well, you know, basically, some people can categorize it into two different sections. One would be traditional shaman, which is passed down through culture, whether it is Japanese culture or Navajo culture or Nordic culture. That would be traditional, where you're learning it from the culture. And then there is Neo shaman, which is more of the urban shaman, and the beauty is is that it's kind of like what I see as and I'm kind of both a little traditional and very much Neo shaman. I do what I want. I'm not a cookie, you know, I do what I want. I'm into the class and you know how to connect. We just kind of bring it together. What do you? What do you think about that?

Gayle Fowler:

I do, I really agree to that. I mean, I know I remember taking the classes where we, you know, we journeyed to the different realms and I'm like I'm fine, I wasn't fine, it was like so high, but it was good to have that learning the truth or remembering right what you forgot. That really helped me. And one I forget what class were we going to the higher realm or what? But you said I've been working with Raven. I'm going yeah, I have. You've been shape-shifting, haven't you? And I'm like, oh, I didn't know, because that's part of my, you know, training was to my training, meaning what they're showing me was to go in to do the shape-shifting part, like when I had my, I guess, initiation, I guess you could say with Grandfather Bear, with the bear medicine.

Gayle Fowler:

Grandfather Bear was standing behind me. He's like probably 10 feet tall because he was standing on his hind legs and I'm like not even five feet, it's something very big. And Garrett was taking me through that right. And then he says, you know, like? Then Garrett says, well, you know, you need to mark the tree with your claw, type of thing we're looking at and in the spirit realm and I'm looking like how am I going to do that fire, you know. But then he says you're going to, um, you're, you're going to combine with grandfatherfather Bear and me being me. I remember turning around looking at Grandfather Bear going you're not going to fit. But then I started to shape, shift into the bear, yes. And then, grandfather Bear, we actually took down a deer and I'm going I'm not a hunter, you know, but we took down a deer and he was showing me the parts that you're supposed to eat. My human brain was grossing out but I understood, you know, all of these things that I said I can't make this shit up, that's exactly right, that's exactly right.

Gayle Fowler:

So that's how me letting go of the you know like, oh, you know I'm a director, you know, miss Prima Popper, everything, no, I was able to experience these beautiful, beautiful experiences that you know has really helped me moving forward. But that was amazing and I remember coming out of that going wow, that was amazing. And Gary's like what happened? I said don't you know he goes? No, that was your private one. I'm going oh was amazing. And Gary's like what happened? I said don't you know he goes? No, that was your private one. I'm going oh, okay, it's amazing.

Granddaughter Crow:

And the experiences I've had since then I feel so blessed, you know, yeah, I absolutely love it because one of the biggest things with this episode is the which I didn't even know. I lit my candle, people, I pray, you know, and say whatever comes through comes through. But it really is a message of being able to blend your what you would once consider polar opposites, whether it's the working world and the spiritual world, and integration and and learning, and being able to show up exactly as you are. Once again, I've got the website and social media below, but OK, so we got a few minutes, so let's go really spooky fun here. It might not be spooky. I will say a word and it's up to you to share with whatever you want. Here is the word Sasquatch, sasquatch.

Gayle Fowler:

I, you know, I remember the first, the first Patterson Gimlin, you know pictures of that and I felt like it was. I knew it was real. So you know, I guess the intuition, I felt that's real but I'm like, oh, you know, people say they don't believe in it, but I felt like more, like their energy to me feels like an elemental Okay. So that was the first piece of. I just knew, right, they were part of the earth. Then, as time went by, I heard the theories about that. They came from the stars, you know. And then they came here and I'm going, oh, okay. And then they came here and I'm going, oh, okay. And so Garrett had decided to take a group of us and we're going to go to Washington State for a conference and it was a Sasquatch conference. I think it was called the Psychic Sasquatch Conference there and it was amazing, the place was amazing. That's where I met people who were very similar to me.

Gayle Fowler:

But prior to going to that conference, we went up to the mountains on the New Mexico side, on the Navajo reservation, and it was Garrett's family sheep camp where they would go and have the sheep there and the kids when they were kids they were just hanging out there. He never experienced anything when he was there when he was young, but the year prior to when we went up to, he said they heard the noise and there was a big footprint in the air where they're staying. But they only stayed one night, so then they left. So we had gone up to really experience something. So we went to the store we've got all kinds of like corn and watermelon, all these things and I heard Reese's peanut butter cups. It's like okay. And then, um, it was the, the fudge stripe cookies. I heard another thing going. I'm like well, I guess we're bringing those too. If not, we'll eat it. Right, right, right, but it was, I think it was a new moon. And Garrett's like okay, you know, nobody used flashlights.

Gayle Fowler:

Well, keep in mind my roughing, it was KOA. So, and my husband would do all set up, you know I'd do the cooking and all that stuff, and my husband would do all set up, you know I'd do the cooking and all that stuff. But so I went there without you know, without my husband, just a small group. We had set up our tent. You know, there was no showers, there was no bathroom. You have the outhouse and then you go get the water from you know the running water type of thing, and so we bring it back to the, to the camp, and at first I'm going, going, I don't think I can do this. My friend's like, yeah, you can.

Gayle Fowler:

So we went there so I think, it was the second night we were there. We were like, okay, we're going to take all of our offerings. So people says, why do you call it offerings? I'm like I don't know, we just called it offerings and we were going to go up to this big tree stump and we're going to put it up there. So we're walking there and all of a sudden we're like maybe we're at the bottom and maybe it's like maybe 15, 15 feet you have to walk up the hill.

Gayle Fowler:

There were these loud hoots and calls and coyote sounds and I'm like what the heck is that? You know just all these loud noises. And then my, my logical brain going maybe somebody was having ceremony and the noise is traveling and we're hearing them celebrating. And Garrett's like no, it's them. I'm going them who? It was a Sasquatch, and you could tell they were closer because you know how you hear a sound and you can feel it touch you, type of thing. That's what it was like. So we hear it to the left and then we hear it to the right and all of these noises. And then Garrett goes okay, now go and put your offerings up the hill. And it was dark and all of a sudden we all just stopped. He goes, stay in your heart space. Stay in your heart space, everything is good. And I felt a sense of excitement coming from the ones who were making the noise. I felt a sense of family feeling and so he goes. Okay, you guys can go up two at a time. So we did, we ran up there, put the things and we left. Well, they did take stuff, they did this, things were gone and like someone yeah, that's just a ground squirrel did this or you know something. But there were unique situations where you're like, hmm, and then the energy, I could feel the energy around where there was something and there were some footprints that you know we're like, oh, look there. We weren't the type to I'm going to cast it, it's just we experienced it.

Gayle Fowler:

And then on the last day, when we were going to leave, we went down to this little pond area. We're on a logging road and Garrett had said his grandfather had built the sweat lodge down below by the water. So I was looking for that. Garrett was behind me talking to Tracy, so they're talking to behind me and they're like at least eight of us there, kind of all over the place. So I'm looking, then I stop. I'm like what is that? So I'm seeing this, being from behind, looks like beautiful, long black hair, and it's just like all the way down and I'm thinking what is that? So my mind is saying, of course it's a Sasquatch. I'm like that doesn't look like what I've seen on TV. You know, it was like just beautiful, like as if, you know, she showered and her hair is so glistening and I'm trying to get in touch with Garrett behind me.

Gayle Fowler:

I'm like Garrett, garrett, and I don't stutter. And finally I said, garrett, he goes what? And it's gone. And he goes what did you see? I said I don't know what I saw. He goes. What did you see? I said I don't know what I saw. He goes. You know what you saw? What did you see? I said, and so I explained to him. And then and I said maybe it was somebody else up here. I mean, of course, you know, not logically making sense, but I'm trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together and he goes no, you a raven, like stupid things. But I can't understand what I saw and nobody else saw. And they were right behind me, you know, and so we had to leave. It's like okay, but everybody believed me. I didn't believe myself. It's like, oh my gosh.

Gayle Fowler:

But we went back in I think it was October, and he got the connection. It was actually one who had just come through a portal and I know where the portals are because we could feel it. And she gave us a name, ikaria, and so she was there and I said then, why me? They said because you were ready. I said I don't think I was ready, but it was my heart that was open. Yeah, okay.

Gayle Fowler:

And so going back to Washington State, I didn't, I don't see them. I didn't pop out of you know, from the force. I probably would have ran away Like they were talking to me telepathically, yeah, and I could see their outlines, you could see the eyes and I was like, oh dang, they're really, really bigger in Washington state 15, 20 feet tall, and that's where their eyes were hitting. Wow, and a lot of people had experiences. So you know, it's not like I'm making it up, everybody else did, but one night we were there, um, I think it's like the second or third time we had gone up and it was probably like two o'clock in the morning.

Gayle Fowler:

So there's two friends from australia and then myself and my friend susan, and we were outside because this place is like a, a summer camp for kids, so you got the rooms, you know, and all that stuff, and so we're out there and there's like the trees are here, we're just talking, and I just left because we kind of stood in the four directions so we were talking about, okay, which way is east? And I said I don't know, I grew up on an island, you know. And when I said isn't, doesn't sunrise in the east? And then my friend from australia goes not in australia then I happened to look up and it looked like like a silver, white light. It looks good, maybe a motorcycle headlight. I was going is there a road back there? He's like no, there's no road back there. He goes no, no road back there, sister.

Gayle Fowler:

And I look again, going oh, now there's two. And they weren't like close, they were a little further apart and they were high up, but I was seeing some other, like on the bottom, all these different sets of eyes. They said, oh, that's eye shine. We've seen that before. I said I haven't, I've never seen it. So as we were talking, I was getting you know, they're asking are you male or female? And I'm looking around going, and it was super culture all bundled up. So again, me being me, I flashed open the blankets, female and that's all you're getting I love it.

Gayle Fowler:

So I think that was like the funny part, right, I guess, because I was a little scared, so I made, I made it fun. And then then I hear and I know it was a female because I could feel that she was a female and she says please continue to talk, she's interested to hear what we were saying. Well, what did, what did we all do? We stopped talking. We're all facing the forest and I'm looking at them like are you guys hearing what she's saying? They're like no, I said what? No, I mean I can hear her. They go, she's talking to you. I said why me? You guys have all the experiences. This is new for me. And they go no, you were chosen. So she started talking to me and it was like I was just amazed. And you know, from then on I'm like okay, I'm okay, I can see, I could see like she came a little closer. But she knew I was still kind of hesitant, but she would ask questions, she would send me information, and it was just amazing.

Gayle Fowler:

And then I've got another four guys coming and two of them are like well-known, what do you call those people? People who've encountered them and they wrote all these books and I'm telling them what's going on and everything. And then my friend from Australia goes do you want to go in? I'm like, no, I kind of want to hang out more. This is really cool. He goes no, do you want to go into the forest? And my legs literally locked. That wave of fear came at me. I know she's loving and she's caring, she wouldn't do anything, but these are my legs, they're not working. So that was my first encounter was with you know where I saw something, but this is the first encounter where she was talking to me. I was having an accident and I was so shocked and humbled and it was just so amazing. I love it.

Granddaughter Crow:

I love it.

Gayle Fowler:

So this is the. This will kind of tie up that part of it. The year, the next year, we went to the same place and this is, there's no light pollution. So there's looking, and there's there's ships flying around Cause you can see that they're not stars the way they're flying and my neck was like, oh, my neck's hurting.

Gayle Fowler:

I'm like just don't come and get me, I'm all cool, you guys keep your distance. Then I kind of stopped and shook my neck and I said I said if you're here, the one that I met last year, I'd love to see you. And then I looked and then the eyes appeared at the distance in the tree area and I was just like, so honored, and my friend, the one who was there, he's next to me and I looked at him and he goes. I see her sister. I said all I did was ask he goes. Well, that's all you have to do. And then she started telling me things and I'm like I am so blessed so I love it. I can connect on the spiritual level, I can connect telepathically, but I can't guarantee if they were to just pop out of the force that I wouldn't run away.

Granddaughter Crow:

I love it. I absolutely love it and you know. Thank you for sharing those sacred stories. I absolutely understand that you were chosen. They probably saw what I saw in you.

Gayle Fowler:

No, I don't know I was like why me? But I'm like okay, I'm blessed and thank you.

Granddaughter Crow:

I love it. I love it, gail. So, once again, you guys, check out Gail's website. Again, you guys check out Gail's website. You can find online classes. If you are in the Colorado area, book a session. Gail does healing sessions, all of that Very, very like, very, very grounded. She's like a tree in that she's very grounded to logic and the earth, yet she can touch the stars. And so, gail, thank you so much. Is there any last words that you want to say to the listening audience?

Gayle Fowler:

So I think especially the part of walking on your path or following you know where you want to be headed is number one trust, trust, know that. You know you may not believe it and it's okay, but trust, because that seems to be where people struggle and you can ask for assistance, but your guides are not going to tell you what to do. People say, well, why not? I say I know they should have told me this before. But it was Grandfather Bear who showed me. He's right beside me and he says okay, gail, which direction do you want to go? And I'm like well, what do you think I should do? He says, whichever you choose, we will be there to support you. And I'm going. Can't you just tell me?

Gayle Fowler:

But that's the thing, understanding that piece of it, and that you don't. You're not making stuff up. There's just no way you can make things up Like the experiences that I've had. I don't even know anything about hunting. How the heck would I know how to take down this deer and all this stuff that you know. But I've talked to people who are hunters like, oh yeah, that's the part that they. You know that the animals will eat all the time. I'm like gross, but that's, that's a piece, and I think that's what's helped me is to stop, you know, thinking I'm not receiving this or I'm making it up, or because you just think you know why. Like, why me? Right, you know you were chosen and that's why not chosen meaning that you're going to put on a pedestal, but chosen to be willing to work with you because they don't want to be on pedestals.

Granddaughter Crow:

I agree with that and I think you bring up a very lovely point, gail. You know, when people are on a magical path, a lot of times when they first start, spirit is like turn left, go into that shop, go talk to this person, pick up that crystal. But just like us in the biological age, we grow up and spirit is like okay, now, where do you want to go? Which way do you want to make it? I already raised you kid. I already raised you, I taught you how to do this, and spirit then becomes more like like that and and I think that that's brilliant, because a lot of times when spirit does that, we might feel a little lost, but on the flip side, it's actually oh, that means that I'm grown up enough to make my own mistakes and they'll be there to help pick me up. Or you know they'll be like yeah, you can do this and we'll be there to support you, you know. So it's a maturity, it's a spiritual maturity thing. So thank you for bringing that up.

Granddaughter Crow:

Yeah, because, seriously, when you're first on your path, you know spirit's like buy that crystal, go walk this way, and then the person starts to develop and grow and and learn how to trust, learn how to walk on their own, learn how to just like a person. And then, all of a sudden, they're like but spirit, which way do I go? And they're just like I got you. And then, all of a sudden, they're like but spirit, which way do I go? And they're just like I got you through high school. You choose your own college, kid, you know, you choose your own major. And it's just like oh, so I think that. What do you think about that, gail? I think it's funny.

Gayle Fowler:

I love that. It makes total sense. And that's what I've experienced. I mean, they'll still do things like something new that's coming up. You know. They'll say like, oh, you know, I said I don't know, I'm being drawn to this crystal for a reason. And later I'm like, oh, okay, or like I make sprays now, like Garrett used to make a lot of sprays, right. So I started seeing a lot of spirit animals coming in and they wanted to have the sprays to have to help with the connection. So I told garrett I says, garrett, there's a whole bunch of them waiting for you to make sprays. He goes, I'm not making it, you are. I said, but you're the spray dude. And he laughed at me.

Gayle Fowler:

But they started giving me, uh, you know what, how many drops of this essence and how many drops of that essence. And I listened when I was almost compulsive you need to buy that. I'm like I have no idea why I'm going to buy it, but I'm like, okay, and sometimes I could have it for a year. And then, you know, they'll say, okay, go get this. I'm going, oh, we're going to make a new essence now to make a spray. So they still do that. You know about something new. Or I will say you know, I've got so much going on. If you want me to have this retreat, you kind of have to just throw it in my lap, because I'm being torn, because I'm going all these different directions. And then it gets thrown in my lap and I hear now what are you going to do?

Granddaughter Crow:

I'm going to do it. I absolutely love it, gail, it has just been a pleasure having you on and people comment. You can text the show but comment. If you want more info and to have Gail back about maybe the Sasquatch or something like that, you know, you can always let me know and I can see if she's available. But thank you so much, Gail, for being on this episode and people, thank you thank you, thank you.

Granddaughter Crow:

Thank you for tuning in to yet another episode of Belief being and Beyond. Please like, subscribe. Hit the notification button. Text the show comment. Talk to me people. We're in the second year of Belief being and Beyond podcast and I want to know what you guys want to know, so I will bring you the beyond. Just let me know. Anyway, love you. See you on the flippity flip.

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