Belief, Being, & BEYOND!
What you Believe constitutes how you Behave in the world. But there is always something more - The BEYOND! Let's talk to people with a variety spiritual belief systems, perspectives, approaches, and backgrounds in order to sate our curious minds - "What else is out there?"
Belief, Being, & BEYOND!
Chakra Meditations & Healing Exercises
Granddaughter Crow hosts a special meditation episode featuring author Stefani Michelle guiding listeners through healing exercises for each of the seven main chakras that complement her books on Chakras and Shadow Work.
• Root Chakra: The Rose Garden visualization connects you with self and soul purpose through pathways representing different aspects of your life journey
• Sacral Chakra: The Healing Pond meditation in a magical forest releases old energy and generates creative, transformative power
• Solar Plexus: The Window journey involves flying as a bird to discover your path forward with ease and grace
• Heart Chakra: A mala meditation using 108 beads and heart-centered affirmations to open the heart center
• Throat Chakra: A sound healing practice using chanting to open the throat channel
• Third Eye: An Akashic Records visualization accessing your soul's library to retrieve forgotten wisdom
• Crown Chakra: A beach meditation with colored stones representing each chakra's state, offering healing and access to higher realms
Feel free to listen to the entire episode or skip to the specific chakra meditation you need in this moment. Consider playing meditative music in the background to enhance your experience.
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Welcome to Belief being and Beyond with your host, granddaughter Crow. Hi everybody, granddaughter Crow here for a special episode of Belief being and Beyond. This episode is full of guided meditations and healing exercises that complement the book Chakras and Shadow Work by Stephanie Michelle and Shadow Work by Stephanie Michelle. In this episode there will be guided meditations and or healing exercises for each of the seven main chakras, read to you by the author, stephanie Michelle. She does invite you to put on some meditative music in the background if you wish of music in the background, if you wish. This episode is broken into seven different chapters to accompany each of the seven chakras. Feel free to listen to it the whole way through and or skip ahead wherever you wish. The root chakra the rose garden.
Stefani Michelle:The root chakra, the rose garden. I want you to take a deep breath in filling your lungs with love and light and exhale all old, stagnant energy. I want you to do that two more times Inhale. And exhale, inhale and exhale Inhale.
Stefani Michelle:And exhale. I want you to visualize a six-pointed star above your head, spinning and opening and pouring white light down into your mind, releasing your mind of all thoughts, relaxing your eyes, relaxing your jaw and your cheeks. I want you to feel this light as it pours down the back of your neck, releasing any tension, expanding the pineal gland in the center of your mind, connecting to the third eye, allowing the throat chakra to open and bloom and blossom. And I want you to feel this light as it moves down your shoulders, releasing tension in your upper back, moving down your arms, past your elbows, past your wrists and activating the healing energies in the palms of your hands. I want you to feel this light as it moves into your heart chakra, allowing it to blossom and bloom and expand beyond the layers of your energy and expand beyond the layers of your energy. I want you to feel this light as it slowly moves down your spine, activating your solar plexus, your sacral and your root chakra, relaxing your entire spine and back, allowing those energy centers to expand. And this light moves down your legs, past your knees, past your shins and calves, releasing tension in your ankles and finally grounding you through the soles of your feet to the earth chakra that walks with you. And as this white light sits and spirals in that chakra, it comes back up around you, filling each layer of your aura the emotional layer, the spiritual, the wisdom and the bliss layers of your energy bodies, spiraling up and around, creating a bubble of light as it goes up past your shoulders and connecting to that six-pointed star above your shoulders and connecting to that six pointed star Above your head. I want you to feel this glorious light as it passes through you and around you, creating a torus of energy, a golden bubble of light. A golden bubble of light.
Stefani Michelle:And before you now all you see is that light and you start to feel weightless, like you are floating through time and space. And soon, in that light, you see a door up ahead and this door is open and welcoming. And as you pass through that door, you find yourself in a beautiful sanctuary, a sanctuary that looks familiar, feels familiar to you. And as you look around, you notice artifacts, and all of these artifacts have meaning to you and all of these artifacts have meaning to you. There is a fireplace, there's a bookshelf, there are doors on either side of both, there's a hallway of doors and a large glass window. For today's journey, we are not going to stay within this sanctuary, but know this is a place that you have been to many times before. This is your home, your space of rest. Today you are going to look at the bookshelf and you are going to head to the door on the left.
Speaker 3:And I want you to notice the guardian on the door greeting you, welcoming you home.
Stefani Michelle:This guardian may have a message or may simply open that door for you. And as that door opens, on the other side is a beautiful rose garden and you notice, as you walk down the path, that you're walking from the side of the east, and I want you to take note of this rose garden. Observe the phase the roses are in. Are they fully bloomed? Are they just starting to pop up? What colors do you see? I want you to notice that there is a path to the south, a path to the west and a path to the north. There is also a center, but what is in that center of the rose garden is up to your spirit guides to show you. There is space beyond the rose garden as well. Maybe a forest, maybe a beach.
Stefani Michelle:Each pathway leads to a new purpose, a new part of your life and the journey that you are on. This is where you connect with self, and today I want you just to sit in the garden and allow the messages and allow the visions of your journey to come freely. As you sit among this energy of the self, your spirit family will join you here, remind you of the choices you've already laid out for your future, remind you of your true soul's purpose, feel the peace, feel the energy and the joy, and take in as much as you can. When your journey is over, the vision will stop and all you have to do is simply go home the way you came Through the east, through the sanctuary, find yourself wrapped in light and return to your body once the journey is over.
Granddaughter Crow :The sacral chakra, the healing pond.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to take a deep breath in filling your lungs with love and light and exhale all old, stagnant energy. I want you to do that two more times. Inhale. And exhale. Inhale. And exhale.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to visualize a six-pointed star above your head, spinning and opening and pouring white light down into your mind, releasing your mind of all thoughts, releasing your mind of all thoughts, relaxing your eyes, relaxing your jaw and your cheeks. I want you to feel this light as it pours down the back of your neck, Releasing any tension, expanding the pineal gland in the center of your mind, connecting to the third eye, allowing the throat chakra to open and bloom and blossom. And I want you to feel this light as it moves down your shoulders, releasing tension in your upper back, moving down your arms, past your elbows, past your wrists and activating the healing energies in the palms of your hands. And activating the healing energies in the palms of your hands. I want you to feel this light as it moves into your heart chakra, allowing it to blossom and bloom and expand beyond the layers of your energy. I want you to feel this light as it slowly moves down your spine, activating your solar plexus, your sacral and your root chakra, relaxing your entire spine and back, allowing those energy centers to expand. And this light moves down your leg, past your knees, past your shins and calves, releasing tension in your ankles and finally grounding you through the soles of your feet to the earth chakra that walks with you.
Stefani Michelle:And as this white light sits and spirals in that chakra, it comes back up around you, filling each layer of your aura the physical layer, the emotional layer, the spiritual, the wisdom and the bliss layers of your energy bodies, spiraling up and around, creating a bubble of light as it goes up past your shoulders and connecting to that six-pointed star above your head. And connecting to that six-pointed star above your head. I want you to feel this glorious light as it passes through you and around you, creating a torus of energy, a golden bubble of light. And before you now all you see is that light and you start to feel weightless, like you are floating through time and space and soon, in that light, you see a door up ahead. On the other side of that door is the sanctuary, a place you've been to many times before. I want you to notice the bookshelf, the, the artifacts in the room, the hallway the window.
Stefani Michelle:Today's journey is going to take you to the door to the right of the fireplace and once again there is a guardian standing before that door. This may be the same or new. Today's journey is different. And as they greet you, that door opens and on the other side of that door is a beautiful forest With red bark, golden, sparkling lights, emerald green forest floor and treetops the most beautiful forest you could imagine.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to feel that forest floor beneath your feet as you walk down the path between the trees. You hear the gentle breeze and you hear water like a babbling brook up ahead and you know you are walking towards that water. And soon you see the stream of water and a little bridge for you to pass over. And on the other side of that bridge is a beautiful small body of water, just big enough for you to submerge yourself into A small pond. It is warm and it is sparkling and there are beautiful stones all around this pond and there is water trickling in from a small waterfall.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to submerge yourself into this body of water, feeling at peace and gently floating. I want you to close your eyes and allow the water to heal every part of your body. I want you to feel old energy being released from every part of your physical body and I want you to see the changing colors and the light around you reflecting from the stones, reflecting off the water. You may even be joined by some forest animals today. Allow them to show up and aid in the cleansing and the transformation you are about to undergo. Be still and sit in this beautiful healing pond for as long as the vision needs, open your heart and mind and allow your sacral to generate creative, transformative energy. And when the vision is over, I want you to take your time coming out of this healing pond, moving back through the forest, finding yourself in the sanctuary surrounded by the energy of light, and then once again back into your body. And until then, enjoy the peace of this healing pond and sit with it for as long as it needs the solar plexus, the window.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to take a deep breath in filling your lungs with love and light and exhale all old, stagnant energy. I want you to do that two more times. Inhale Inhale. And exhale. Inhale. And exhale and exhale, exhale.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to visualize a six-pointed star above your head, spinning and opening and pouring white light down into your mind, releasing your mind of all thoughts, relaxing your eyes, relaxing your jaw and your cheeks. I want you to feel this light as it pours down the back of your neck, releasing any tension, expanding the pineal gland in the center of your mind, connecting to the third eye, allowing the throat chakra to open and bloom and blossom. And I want you to feel this light as it moves down your shoulders, allowing the throat chakra to open and bloom and blossom. And I want you to feel this light as it moves down your shoulders, releasing tension in your upper back, moving down your arms, past your elbows, past your wrists and activating the healing energies in the palms of your hands. I want you to feel this light as it moves into your heart chakra, allowing it to blossom and bloom and expand beyond the layers of your energy. I want you to feel this light as it slowly moves down your spine, activating your solar plexus, your sacral and your root chakra, relaxing your entire spine and back, allowing those energy centers to expand. And this light moves down your leg, past your knees, past your shins and calves, releasing tension in your ankles and finally grounding you through the soles of your feet To the earth chakra that walks with you.
Stefani Michelle:And as this white light sits and spirals in that chakra, it comes back up around you, filling each layer of your aura the physical layer, the emotional layer, the spiritual, the wisdom and the bliss layers of your energy bodies, spiraling up and around, creating a bubble of light as it goes up past your shoulders and connecting to that six-pointed star above your head. I want you to feel this glorious light as it passes through you and around you, creating a torus of energy, a golden bubble of light. And before you now all you see is that light and you start to feel weightless, like you are floating through time and space, through time and space, and soon, in that light, you see a door up ahead. I want you to see the door to the sanctuary, welcoming you home and reminding yourself of everything that is in this room Beautiful fireplace, the bookshelf and reminding yourself of everything that is in this room the beautiful fireplace, the bookshelf, the hall of doors. And that window.
Stefani Michelle:Today I want you to look at that window, as we are going to walk through, and be on the other side of that big, beautiful window. I want you to find the door amongst the glass and as it opens you see another forest and another river, except this forest has some trees that have fallen down, leaves scattered all along the ground. It's a small river, but it's not a creek. It's a river you can walk through and as you walk through this water you feel the cold on your feet, but it's very healing. When you come to the other side, you must climb a hill. It's an easy hill, but a hill where you cannot see the top. Until you get there.
Stefani Michelle:You're climbing amongst the fallen leaves, you smell the fresh air, you see the barren trees and the cold breeze on your face and finally you get to the top of the hill and you look out and it's a beautiful valley, and that beautiful fall air and that bright sun is the perfect combination of cool and warm. And you already feel as if you are flying. But soon you notice the bird, the bird that has joined you, and shortly you notice you are the bird, as if you are looking through his eyes. You do start to fly. You fly among the valley, and this is where you will be led. You will be led to the next part of your journey.
Stefani Michelle:What are you supposed to do next? How are you supposed to fly? Allow this bird to show you, with ease and with grace, how you can soar through your life, allowing the wind to guide you, your life, allowing the winds to guide you. And when this journey is over, you will land back on the hill. You may take a moment to reflect before descending down the hill, through the river, back into the sanctuary and heading home through the white energy. For now, stay among the birds, among the sky, among the wind. Allow yourself to fly through this life and find where you are headed, the heart, chakra mala meditation or the chakra.
Stefani Michelle:This is not a guided visualization. What you want to do is get yourself a string of mala beads. Mala beads consist of 108 beads and you want to think of a phrase that connects with your heart, that makes your heart feel loved and joy, and as you go through the mala beads, you're going to stop on each bead and repeat that phrase. You're going to start at the Buddha bead in the center, work your way around to the string of beads until you get back to the Buddha bead, and then you're going to reverse directions if you want to keep saying your affirmation An example of an affirmation you could use and what I used for my very first mala experience I simply said I am connected, I am connected, I am connected, and I said that over and over again, and one day the string of beads broke and I felt God in my heart.
Granddaughter Crow :The Throat Chakra Chanting Meditation.
Stefani Michelle:For the Throat Chakra Meditation. This is one of the hardest meditations I have ever experienced. Again, it is not a guided visualization, yet it is sound. It is sound coming from your own body. You can sit and say OM and start the vibration of the frequency. You can scream if you need to, but this is about opening up that throat channel. In the beginning, I started by just listening to chanting listening to Buddhist chants, listening to Aum, and eventually I started to chant with them and then eventually, I was able to do it on my own the third eye chakra akashic records I want you to take a deep breath in filling your lungs with love and light, and exhale all old, stagnant energy.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to do that two more times. Inhale. And exhale. Inhale. And exhale Inhale.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to visualize a six-pointed star above your head, spinning and opening and pouring white light down into your mind, releasing your mind of all thoughts, relaxing your eyes, relaxing your jaw and your cheeks.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to feel this light as it pours down the back of your neck, releasing any tension, expanding the pineal gland in the center of your mind, connecting to the third eye, allowing the throat chakra to open and bloom and blossom.
Stefani Michelle:And I want you to feel this light as it moves down your shoulders, releasing tension in your upper back, moving down your arms, past your elbows, past your elbows, past your wrists, and activating the healing energies in the palms of your hands. I want you to feel this light as it moves into your heart chakra, allowing it to blossom and bloom and expand beyond the layers of your energy. I want you to feel this light as it slowly moves down your spine, activating your solar plexus, your sacral and your root chakra, relaxing your entire spine and back, allowing those energy centers to expand. And this light moves down your legs, past your knees, past your shins and calves, releasing tension in your ankles and finally grounding you through the soles of your feet to the earth chakra that walks with you and as this white light sits and spirals in that chakra, it comes back up around you, filling each layer of your aura the physical layer, the emotional layer, the spiritual, the wisdom and the bliss layers of your energy bodies, spiraling up and around, creating a bubble of light as it goes up past your shoulders and connecting to that six pointed star above your head. I want you to feel this glorious light as it passes through you and around you, creating a torus of energy, a golden bubble of lights before you. Now all you see is that light.
Stefani Michelle:When you start to feel weightless, like you are floating through time and space and soon, in that light, you see a door up ahead. I want you to see the door headed to the sanctuary, as you have before. And as you float through that door, I want you to recognize your sacred space with all its beautiful intricacies, all the representations of your lives the fireplace, the bookshelf, the hall of doors, the large window. And today I want you to notice the fireplace. There's a door to the left of the fireplace and once again, a guardian stands before that door and they greet you and welcome you home. They may have words of wisdom to offer you, they may just have energy that they greet you with and that door slowly opens and on the other side of that door is as if you are stepping into space.
Stefani Michelle:It is a beautiful, open cosmic journey into the Akashic Records. You see the galaxies around you and a beautiful library of souls, and as you descend upon this library, I want you to feel your spirit being guided to your Akashic record. Your soul knows where to go among the billions and billions of records here, at a place that knows all things that ever was and that ever will be where time space resides. Eventually, when you get to your book, I want you to observe what it looks like, if it has any colors, if there's any writing, and as you hold it in your hands, it will open when you're ready.
Stefani Michelle:Don't try and predict the pages. They will give you what you need. It may be writing, it may be pictures. In some cases, it will take you on a journey. It may be writing. It may be pictures. In some cases, it will take you on a journey of feelings and sounds. In this place, spirit gives you exactly what you need when you need it. I want you to find a place to sit with your book in this great library of souls and allow the book to guide your journey today. Allow it to show you what it is that you must retrieve in this soul's journey, what you have forgotten. And when the spirit is giving you the message, you will feel a pull to start your journey home. And you will go home the way you came through the door into the sanctuary and back towards your body. But for now, sit with this book and let it remind you of who you really are.
Granddaughter Crow :The Crown Chakra, the crown chakra chakra beach.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to take a deep breath in filling your lungs with love and light, and exhale all old, stagnant energy. I want you to do that two more times. Inhale. And exhale. Inhale. And exhale.
Stefani Michelle:I want you to visualize a six-pointed star above your head, spinning and opening and pouring white light down into your mind, releasing your mind of all thoughts, relaxing your eyes, relaxing your jaw and your cheeks. I want you to feel this light as it pours down the back of your neck, releasing any tension, expanding the pineal gland in the center of your mind, connecting to the third eye, connecting to the third eye, allowing the throat chakra to open and bloom and blossom. And I want you to feel this light as it moves down your shoulders, releasing tension in your upper back, moving down your arms, past your elbows, past your wrists and activating the healing energies in the palms of your hands. I want you to feel this light as it moves into your heart chakra. I want you to feel this light as it moves into your heart chakra, allowing it to blossom and bloom and expand beyond the layers of your energy. I want you to feel this light as it slowly moves down your spine, activating your solar plexus, your sacral and your root chakra, relaxing your spine and back, allowing those energy centers to expand. And this light moves down your legs, past your ankles and finally grounding you through the soles of your feet to the earth chakra that walks with you. And as this white light sits and spirals in that chakra, it comes back up around you, filling each layer of your aura the physical layer, the emotional layer, the spiritual, the wisdom and the bliss layers of your energy bodies. Energy bodies spiraling up and around, creating a bubble of light as it goes up past your shoulders and connecting to that six-pointed star above your head. I want you to feel this glorious light as it passes through you and around you, creating a torus of energy, a golden bubble of light. And before you now all you see is that light.
Stefani Michelle:When you start to feel weightless, like you are floating through time and space, and soon, in that light, you see a door up ahead. But this time we are going to find a comfortable seat in the center of the room. I want you to see your soul just quietly get comfortable within your sanctuary and I want you to see the room get bright, as if the sun were blinding the room with light. And once your eyes start to focus, you realize you are sitting underneath the sun on a beautiful golden beach and you can feel the warmth of the sun. And you can feel the warmth of the sun and you can feel the breeze on your face and I want you to see the turquoise water before you, gently rolling waves and a gentle sound of water. And soon you find yourself. And a gentle sound of water.
Stefani Michelle:And soon you find yourself Standing on the silky beach and you start to walk. You're just walking towards the sun and eventually you come upon a pile of red stone and I want you to observe these stones. I want you to notice if they're in a pile, if they're strewn about, if they're in a circle. Just notice colors of red and how they are laying there on the beach. I want you to pause with these stones. This is a representation of your root chakra in this moment. And if you need to gather more stones, push them together in a nice sphere, whatever needs to be tended to, just take notes and do the work, Take notes and do the work.
Stefani Michelle:And if they are brilliant and vibrant and they don, start walking down this beach again towards the sun, eventually you're going to come upon an orange pile of stone, an orange pile of stone, and again I want you to take note on their formation. Are they neatly stacked? Are they side by side? Are they strewn about? Maybe you even need to discard some into the water For cleansing, or maybe there's stones you no longer need. Maybe you need to gather some more To fill in some gaps.
Stefani Michelle:Whatever you feel drawn to, this is your sacral chakra, and take the time to feel gratitude and the healing as you put the stones in working order and once you feel satisfied with that, you'll once again start walking towards the sun, only to come upon a pile of yellow stone. And this is your solar plexus. What stones are here today represent the state of your solar plexus at the moment. You may need to discard some, you may need to gather more, you might even just you may need to gather more. You might even just enjoy the way they are at the moment.
Stefani Michelle:Whatever you are guided to do, make sure that you're taking care of your energy center and, once you feel satisfied with that, again walk towards the sun, coming upon a beautiful pile of green and pink stone. And this is your heart chakra, and I want you to notice how they are and what the state of your heart is in. Are the green and pink stones mixed together? Are they separated between the ethereal hearts and the human hearts? Are they strewn about? Listen for the guidance and how it attends to your own heart and allow yourself to be with that energy. And once you have finished that, again, walk with the sun.
Stefani Michelle:Sun walking towards this beautiful, brilliant pile of blue stones, feeling your throat in, take notes of where they are and the colors, and if you have to discard some or add some, and how you need to assemble this beautiful blue chakra. And when you are ready, walk again with the sun. Further down the beach, you see brilliant purple stones piled high. What kind of work needs to be done here? Do you need to add stone? Maybe polish them, maybe assemble them into a sphere? Allow yourself to just flow and be guided.
Stefani Michelle:When you're ready, walk on with the sun again, and soon you come upon brilliant, clear stones and it almost feels as if you've arrived at the sun and I want you to sit with these stones the longest, allowing yourself to feel one with the higher realm.
Stefani Michelle:And as you assemble these clear stones, you notice the turquoise water feels as if it is calling to you, and here is where you may be called to journey into the higher realm. Some may be called to journey into the higher realm, some may be called just to sit in the water and allow the turquoise light To consume you with healing, and at some point, you may be called to walk across the water, and what you arrive at on the other side is entirely up to your spirit team. This is a portal to the higher realm, and when they have asked you to return from this journey, you will not go back down the beach. You will sit at the clear ports and see yourself surrounded by the sun, and you will feel yourself being drawn and delivered back to your body. But for now, enjoy the journey that is being called for you today.